Reprinted with Permission

More than 80 million people (approximately 1 in 4) are believed to suffer from such discomfort at least once a week and two of the most successful prescriptions in history are for digestive discomfort. Though many suffer, few have to. Nearly every digestive complaint is caused from an inability to properly digest the food(s) consumed.

The simple solution in such cases is enzymes. Enzymes are responsible for breaking down the foods we eat, delivering the nutrients found in those foods to every cell of the body and removing any toxins or ingredients that may be in the food that the body will not derive any benefit from.

Symptoms Of Poor Digestion
• Gas
• Bloating
• Indigestion
• Heartburn
• Fatigue
• Poor Sleep
• Allergies
• Candida

Life’s Energy
Enzymes do so much more than relieve the symptoms often associated with digestive distress or disorders. They are the foundation to good heath. Enzymes are energized protein molecules. They have been called the “spark of life“, the “vitality of life“ and the “energy of life“. The word enzyme literally means life. When we wake up tired, catch a cold, can’t recall the name of our firstborn child or find ourselves sleeping during an important seminar, we don’t say, “I wish I had more enzymes,“ we say, “I wish I had more energy.“ To fully comprehend the benefits we must first understand what digestion is, and the vital role enzymes (energy) play in this process.

Digestion: The Basics
Digestion begins in the mouth where the act of chewing breaks down and grinds the food into smaller pieces to be swallowed. Think of the mouth as a food processor where mixing and grinding take place. Here is where three different types of an enzyme called amylase are secreted to digest the carbohydrates we eat.

We then swallow the food and it travels to the stomach. There are two sections of the stomach. The Cardiac section (upper) is what Dr. Howell called the food enzyme stomach. This is where the majority of the carbohydrate digestion occurs due to the activity of the amylase found in the saliva. Only the raw foods we eat that have not been cooked or processed are digested in this section of the stomach. This is because these foods contain the enzymes that nature provides to break down the proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are part of that particular food. The food stays here about 30 to 45 minutes then enters the lower section or Pyloric section of the stomach.

The Pyloric section of the stomach is where the enzyme pepsin and HCL (Hydrochloric acid) are secreted for protein digestion. The amount of protein consumed and the efficiency of the individual’s digestive system will dictate the length of time the food remains in this portion of the stomach. It is usually about two hours. The combined activity of Hydrochloric acid, pepsin and muscular movement result in a thoroughly mixed watery solution called chyme.

Chyme leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine. When the chyme enters the small intestine (duodenum) it is mixed with the enzyme lipase from the pancreas and bile secreted by the gallbladder for fat digestion. The acid is neutralized by bicarbonate ions, which the pancreas also manufactures and secretes. It is at this point that the body takes a type of inventory of what we have eaten and what has been digested. It then determines the additional amount of enzymes (or energy) that will be needed to finish the process. The pancreas will continue to manufacture and secrete them as needed. This is called the law of adaptive secretion. The body will only make the amount of enzymes required to digest, assimilate and transport the fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals found in the foods we consume.

As the food continues to travel through the intestinal tract it finally enters the large intestine. The large intestine is basically responsible for absorbing water and ionic compounds (electrolytes). Much of this is actually re-absorbing what the body has provided in the way of gastric juices. The large intestine is also home to a number of different kinds of bacteria. These beneficial bacteria live off of some of the foods that make it this far without being digested. Finally the waste is eliminated. This entire process normally takes 3-10 days.

80% of your energy
When we eat a meal, we often take for granted the process that is initiated that we casually call digestion. The fact is that 80% of all the energy we will use in our entire lifetime will be spent on this amazing process. This leaves a mere 20% to handle all other processes of the body. Imagine if you could get back even a small percentage of that energy to assist in immune function, endocrine function or cardiovascular function. The possibility exists that it could change both the length of your life and the way in which you live it.

Digestive Problems
The symptoms that often occur which cause digestive discomfort are the result of an inability to efficiently break down and absorb the essential nutrients found in those foods. For example, the common gas and bloating is often a problem breaking down carbohydrates in the form of raw vegetables or beans. The acid indigestion is often caused by a problem breaking down protein. Though many people may tend to dismiss such “minor“ symptoms as an inconvenience, it is important to provide the body with the support it needs during these times so as not to develop anything more serious over time.

Increase Your Energy
As you have no doubt figured out by now, the more we eat, the more energy our body will spend digesting what we have consumed. For many who chose most of their foods from a fast food menu or eat large portions of cooked and processed foods they are spending needless amounts of energy on the difficult job they have forced upon their digestive system. One of the best choices we can make is to eat living foods. Raw foods have the ability to digest 5%-75% of themselves in the Cardiac section of the stomach. This one act alone will free up enormous amounts of energy and reduce the common symptoms of digestive distress (gas, bloating, indigestion and heartburn) while supporting other body functions and helping maintain optimal health. Of course, as mentioned earlier, another simple solution to this energy crisis is to provide the body with supplemental digestive enzymes with every meal. These enzyme supplements have the ability to assist the body in breaking down or digesting the foods we consume, regardless of our food choices.

Look for an enzyme supplement that contains high active units of numerous enzymes. The four main categories of enzymes responsible for the digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber are called proteases, lipases amylases and cellulases. Though most companies label enzymes in “active units“ to indicate potency, it is best to look for a product that uses multiple enzymes per category (for example: four proteases instead of just one. May say thera-blend next to each of these essential enzymes.). This will greatly increase the effectiveness of the product.

None of the health information or products provided on this website have been evaluated or approved by the FDA or the American Medical Association. They’re not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult your physician or health care professional first.